Review: A film by Peter Bach called “Sell off: the abolition of your NHS”

For health reasons, I don’t drink. After a six week coma due to meningitis at the Royal Free, which left me disabled, I have a massively personal reason why I am grateful to the NHS.

This one event taught me that anything can happen at any time. Last night, I went along to a private viewing of “Sell-off: The abolition of your NHS” at the BAFTA in Piccadilly. Not having drunk for alcohol for seven years, I don’t feel any particular urge to drink. In fact, I quite liked the atmosphere of their bar in the complete absence of alcohol. I quite like diet Coke.

Peter Bach Film

The bar made me think of New York in fact in a brief period of escapism from a wet and miserable evening in March in Central London.

Bafta Bob 4

While I was sat thinking about how unusual it was for me to go to bars these days, I heard a voice I recognised. Then I suddenly twigged who it was – Tamasin Cave, Director of Spinwatch, was talking with someone about the “Lobbying Tour”. I said as politely as I could to her that the YouTube video of her tour is very famous.

“Famous for a certain group of people perhaps!”, she replied.

Peter Bach’s film, which is currently in an uncut stage, is exquisitely done. It covers all the points you’d expect in a documentary about a piece of legislation which was railroaded in without meaningful discussion. The frames of those people interviewed flow nicely, and the resulting narrative is coherent. I know this particular narrative extremely well, but there were some points for seasoned viewers like me too.

The views on the NHS captured in Bach’s film impressively don’t sound like one spiteful rant, though, which is the really clever aspect of the film.  The film is possibly best described as a clear fly-on-the-wall documentary where patients and doctors clearly feel utterly disenfranchised from the NHS. This is of course in total contrast to the humanistic foundations of the NHS in the 1940s.

Peter Bach, the filmmaker, talks about how he went to a basement in Earls Court, to say how “he was bombarded by a litany of complaints” from a group of people concerned about the running of the NHS. Whilst Max Keiser argues in his interview with Peter Bach ‘you can’t put a price tag on the NHS’ (see below), you unfortunately can put a price tag on the costs to make this film. If you’d like to support this very important initiative of public interest, please go to this ‘StartJoin’ website for crowdfunding.

If the film set out to achieve a fascinating overview of the issues engulfing the NHS, it certainly did that. The concern, of course, is that this film ends up ‘preaching to the converted’, and it contains still a mystery why the mainstream media seem reluctant to discuss the running of the NHS. Supporters of NHS privatisation have argued that it doesn’t matter who runs the NHS as long as it’s run well and free at the point of use. Supporters of the NHS privatisation therefore tend to argue that the public do not want to have this debate. Conversely, people who support a NHS which is state-run obviously argue, instead, that this debate does matter; and the film indeed posits very good clear arguments why the market does not work in the NHS. The film clearly states that competition doesn’t work effectively for the NHS; measuring all the activity in the NHS itself wastes resources (going up from about 2% of the budget to 30%). The youthful and inspiring Dr Clive Peedell was spitting bullets at the encroachment of the market – and of course is right.

The film flows effortlessly, for example, from an excellent description bogus nature of running the finances of a hospital, compared to a household budget, by Dr Bob Gill to a mention of indexation in the private finance initiative (PFI) by Prof Allyson Pollock. Pollock is clearly somebody who should have been listened to much earlier. At least Pollock is completely vindicated. Whilst politicians of all shades have argued the beneficial effects of PFI, the concerns are brilliantly enuniciated by Pollock. An on-running theme of this film evidently is that it’s not the case that this is a fait accompli of the corporatisation of the NHS, though time is running out now. Something can be done about PFI contracts (and may require attention due to the repercussions of PFI on freedom of information requests concerning safe staffing). It might be late in the day, but it wouldn’t be too late for a candid repentance. Likewise, the public lawyer states correctly the Health and Social Care Act (2012), which led to the £2.4 million ‘reforms’, can be repealed. And it would take one Bill to restore of the duty of the Secretary of State for Health in running the NHS.

Both Dr Jacky Davis and Dr Louise Irvine speak brilliantly in the film on the issues of the ‘democratic deficit’. Given that the mainstream media have continued to ignore the changes in the NHS traditionally, their opinions are clearly a polite (not desperate) plea for members of the general public to become involved. Meanwhile, in the film itself, Dr Lucy Reynolds, who clearly has many interesting insights about cross-jurisdictional aspects of healthcare systems, describes how she left a U.K. where the N.H.S. was respected to one where the N.H.S. was pilloried on a daily basis. I also had a nice chance to chat with Dr Davis and Dr Irvine before the film, and with Dr Jonathon Tomlinson afterwards.

As I left the theatre and the BAFTA building, I caught sight of Lord Owen. On seeing Owen, I was reminded of an interview by the late Tony Benn. Benn’s remarks about how the SDP had been partly launched as a reaction to the inadequacy of Labour still irritate some. In that particular interview these remarks preceded a diatribe also by Benn about how it wasn’t the Left’s fault that Labour had been unelectable. Bach’s film brilliantly doesn’t shovel the blame at the doorstep of any one political party, though clearly no Government (especially this one) comes out of it particularly well.

Many seasoned commentators have learnt that there is a consistent pattern of unsafe practice, where people have not been empowered to speak out safely. I am very glad that Bach’s film approached this intelligently, in a constructive and altogether non-vindictive manner. Peter Brambleby talks with much dignity about how his concerns well known elsewhere fell on deaf ears. Dr Kim Holt also talks about the well known phenomenon of how whistleblowers are first ostracised before being silenced and finally excluded.

The argument that Foundation Trusts, such as Mid Staffs, allegedly made staff cuts endangering patient safety in the rush to meet financial targets to gain Foundation Trust status is elegantly made. Meanwhile, the 6Cs, and indeed lack of minimum staffing, many believe, do not protect against the basic threat of unsafe staffing on the delivery of NHS care.

In a weird way, the film is as iconic as the best of them such as “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”, despite being in a completely different genre. I think it’s inevitable that this film will connect with people in a way which reflects the subject-matter being more significant than the usual party-politics. If the problem was explaining the complex narrative of the failures of NHS policy in a succinct, understandable manner, Bach has just achieved a First with Distinction. It’s a remarkable piece of work, which, whether you are particularly interested in the NHS or not, deserves to be widely seen; and indeed deserves the highest official praise.


9 thoughts on “Review: A film by Peter Bach called “Sell off: the abolition of your NHS””

  1. Very good film. I’d like to see evidence to back up the assertion of the assertion about ‘a lot of extra fatalities’ due to A&E closures. It would be a sham if it was discredited because of an unevidenced assertion.


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